
The Engineering of the Music Box

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. The Engineering of the Music Box, was a work developed by students of the 9th year of Colégio São Teotónio, school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of demonstrating the engineering involved in music boxes by building a music box comb using wood and saw blades.


Civil Engineering – Project New World

This video, from the Portuguese Engineers Association, presents Civil Engineering and generally describes the profession of an Civil Engineer and his present contribution to social and economic development


Proximity Sensor Hat

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Proximity Sensor Hat was a work developed by students of the 12th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a hat with a sensor connected to an audible buzzer that warns the invisuals of the proximity of obstacles


Arduino to help people who cannot use their hands

The project, carried out by a group of students, tries to help people who cannot use their hands to use the mobile